YOUNG POWER – debate league in American Corner Gdańsk

The American Corner of Gdansk, in partnership with EducationUSA and the State Department of the United States, has an exciting opportunity to share with you! We are searching for motivated students  to form a debate league.
The American Corner of Gdansk, in partnership with EducationUSA and the State Department of the United States, has an exciting opportunity to share with you!
We are searching for motivated students  to form a debate league. The league will follow Public Forum Debate rules, meaning teams of two will compete against one another by discussing a real-world issue affecting our society today. Interested students can arrive as a preformed team of two. Solo students can be paired with others depending on availability.
Arguments will be formed by research the students themselves have collected. Each team will be assigned a coach. The coach will assist and guide the students with research as well as argument formation. The competition will feature a judge panel comprised of English educators, Fulbright Scholars, and teaching professionals.
• The league will meet 2x per month for approximately 1.5 hours.
• Members should be prepared to do minor amounts of communication with their groupmates outside of meeting hours.
• Two of these three meetings will function as research and preparation for the competition. The final debate will occur on the last meeting of the month.
• A new topic will be introduced at the start of each month.
• Please make sure interested parties can meet these time commitments. The time commitment is non-negotiable.
This league is a great opportunity to:
• Practice English language skills with native speakers of English as well as Polish language professionals.
• Practice research skills.
• Gain confidence through public speaking.
• Network with the English language learning community of Gdansk.
• Gain perspective on and understand the nuance of relevant global issues.
• Strengthen resumes and college applications for graduating high school students.
Filia American Corner Gdańsk
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